Strategic Planning and Assessment serves as a central repository of Student Life Departments’ data. We breakdown information silos by collecting and managing divisional data. Through the collection, management and sharing of data, Assessment and Planning connects departments’ work to student outcomes on key institutional measured such as first year persistence, four or six year graduation rates and First Destination Employment after graduation from UA.

We assist with:

  • Collecting data
  • Analyzing data
  • Evaluating data
  • Researching
  • Sharing resources
  • Connecting to continuous improvement in service
  • Processing
  • Satisfaction for divisional and departmental support
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Data Types

Qualitative Data

Qualitative Information is a great source of data and can be a more natural method of data collection in certain program circumstances. Strategic Planning and Assessment will assist in collection and analysis of your unstructured qualitative information.

  • Focus Groups: Focus groups are a great way to get information about complex topics. Groups between five to eight people work best. Keep conversations around 45 minutes. Only ask two to three conceptual questions. Be honest with participants about the purpose and scope of the conversation.
  • Reflections: Reflections on experiences can provide insight about the impact of an experience. Develop reflection processes and prompts that maximize responses in both quantity and quality.
  • Interviews: Interviews solicit deep information from participants. We advise using a semi-structured approach in most situations. Along with focus groups, this approach is best for developing hypotheses for further testing.

Quantitative Data

We love data. Our goal is to be the bridge between your quantitative abilities and where you want to go with your data.

  • Big Data: We have vast sets of data that can be leveraged to identify trends and patterns in the entire student population. No need to make inferences or assumptions.
  • Data Analysis: This is where Strategic Planning and Assessment shines. We always look for methodologically rigorous approaches that provide us with insight. We strive to be innovative and creative in looking for analytic solutions for understanding the complex interactions our data represents.